Dye Family Dugout

From Claude, take SH 207 about 13 miles south, then take FM 2227 about 3.5 miles east to roadside marker.

Lat 34.915781
Lon -101.319347

Marker Text:
Dugout of W. M. Dye
William Miles Dye was born in Kentucky in 1864 and moved to Texas with his parents in 1870. He settled in this area in 1891, one year after the organization of Armstrong County. By hauling rock from Palo Duro Canyon, Dye helped in the construction of the first county jail in Claude (13 mi. N). Still visible (10 yds. N) is the lower portion of the dugout he built for his family. Dugouts often were constructed in areas, such as the Texas Panhandle, where building materials were in short supply. (1983)