If you have old photographs of Armstrong County or its residents, please share them with us. I believe all of these will zoom when you put your cursor on them and you can click them to see an even larger view.
Photos and sketches from Z Morgan, thanks! The sketches were done by Maxine Weaver and are copyright © 1965 by Maxine Weaver. They were used in "A Collection of Memories - A History of Armstrong Co., TX", published in 1965. You may use them in your personal files but they cannot be used in a published collection without permission.
Armstrong County Courthouse, 1890-1895.
The train depot at Claude.
"Law and Order in the County" shows the original jail and a newer one made from the stone of the original.
"1st and Goodnight Street, 50 Rooms, Palace Hotel".
...the J. H. Weaver & Co. Grocery - was probably taken in the early 30s. James Henry Weaver owned this store during the depression. Standing in front of the store is his wife, Effie Lenora Lowdermilk Weaver. It just happens to be a day when there was a raging dust storm.
Inside the JH Weaver Grocery - Jim Weaver second person from left.
Weaver Grocery - standing in front are L to R: Sox Younger, Mr. Slay, and Oscar Weaver (a nephew).
[I had to re-size the orginal, so here's a close-up of the men.]
The Palace Hotel, pre 1900 contributed by Betty Vaughn.
This unknown building could be a hotel, jail or a courthouse, can you help identify it? The photo was contributed by Joan Williams and says "Claude, Armstrong County Texas". UPDATE - Considering the sketch sent by Z, I'm fairly certain this is the jail. Gray-scale version - Close up of the people